Let’s Get Your Power Back. Contact Me, Your First Session is Offered. For the people who struggle with it, as I did for many years, sensorimotor OCD can feel like one of the hardest types…
Browsing CategoryAcceptance Commitment Therapy
OCD & Inner Healing
Let’s Get Your Power Back. Contact Me, Your First Session is Offered. Although ERP is obviously a big part of the puzzle when it comes to OCD and anxiety, it’s not everything. Learning to face…
Choose Confidence over Anxiety
Get Your Power Back, Download Your Free Course * indicates required Email Address * First Name When you´re dealing with anxiety day in day out, it can take a toll on your confidence. In this…
Overcome anxiety with Acceptance Commitment Therapy
Are you looking for a well-researched and proven type of therapy that can help you move past anxiety? Then perhaps Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, or ACT for short, is for you. In this article we…