Distraction & OCD
The problem with distraction isn’t that we are not paying attention to our obsessions. That as you are only to aware is actually often a huge relief, I mean of course if we are no longer caught up in the bs narrative that our obsessions create then we are going to start feeling better. Good & bad distraction But unfortunately distraction is not just about
OCD & Uncertainty
One of the main things that keeps us stuck when struggling with OCD is the struggle itself. We are constantly demanding certainty from ourselves about the obsessions. Certainty that they aren’t tue, that they aren’t dangerous, that they’re eventually going to go, that the approach we are taking to manage them is the right one, that we are going to feel normal again. Never Ending
My Top Ten Tips For Overcoming OCD
I love a good top ten list, I mean who doesn’t hey? It’s so much fun, particularly when we’re talking about such a joyful topic such as OCD. But enough with the irony, sometimes a list of tips is just what you need in order to keep the important things close to mind, so with no further ado, here we go. Watch out for reassurance
How Our Expectations Influence OCD
Labels Before we get into this I just want to say that we should be a little wary if labels. Whilst it is very tempting to try and give everything a name and a story, sometimes labels can become self fulfilling prophecies. Even with OCD, I try to remind people that yes, you might be struggling with obsessive compulsive disorder, but try not to allow
OCD & The Pain Of Uncertainty
Uncertainty is an inherent part of life, Albert Einstein claimed that “As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.” This is both confusing and frustrating at the same time. Even Einstein Said Uncertainty Is To Be Expected If some of the smartest people in history are
Maladaptive daydreaming & OCD
For many people daydreaming is a normal and sometimes even pleasurable response to the pressure of life. It can be a way to relieve boredom, a tool for escaping from stressful moments or even just and excuse to fantasise about the future or different choices we could have made in our lives. For most people it feels like a normal thing to do, but in