In this article I will discuss the benefits of the Wim Hof method (WHM) for OCD and anxiety. Having struggled with both of these inflictions for many years, I was amazed at how helpful the…
Date Archives January 2022
How To Deal With OCD
There are actually so many things you can do to start dealing with OCD better. The titles of this blog is actually very broad, so to help give it a bit more direction i’m going…
How To Know If It’s A Compulsion Or Not
One of the many things that you might ask yourself when you’re struggling with OCD is how do I really know if it’s a compulsion or not. Being able to answer this successfully will determine…
How To Stop OCD Rumination
Rumination is the hamster wheel that keeps OCD running and running. Cut out the rumination and OCD will very quickly start to quieten down all on it’s own. As with many things OCD, we may…