
The Wim Hof Method for ocd and anxiety
The WIM HOF Method
Robert James

The Wim Hof Method For OCD & Anxiety

In this article I will discuss the benefits of the Wim Hof method (WHM) for OCD and anxiety. Having struggled with both of these inflictions for many years, I was amazed at how helpful the WHM was in both relieving the symptoms of anxiety and helping to deal with some of the underlying issues.  A Way To Build A Different Relationship With Anxiety That being

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Robert James

How To Deal With OCD

There are actually so many things you can do to start dealing with OCD better. The titles of this blog is actually very broad, so to help give it a bit more direction i’m going to focus on the three things you can do that will definitely help your OCD.  Find An OCD Specialist The first step I would always recommend people to take is

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Robert James

How To Know If It’s A Compulsion Or Not

One of the many things that you might ask yourself when you’re struggling with OCD is how do I really know if it’s a compulsion or not. Being able to answer this successfully will determine how much success you have in overcoming OCD, so to say that it’s important would be a massive understatement.  Are you performing a compulsion? We have all been there with

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Robert James

How To Stop OCD Rumination

Rumination is the hamster wheel that keeps OCD running and running. Cut out the rumination and OCD will very quickly start to quieten down all on it’s own. As with many things OCD, we may know this to be true, but it can be difficult to let go of something that you’ve been doing for many years. In this article we explore how to stop

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Robert James

Part Of Getting Over OCD Is identifying Your Wins, Both Small & Large

The very nature of OCD and the fact that it can be so consuming on you energy and spirit often makes it difficult to see what has gone well. Sometimes we can be so sunken with it, that we don’t even want to notice the good, like the sheer habit of the obsessing has become so comfortable, that noticing positive things can seem quite alien. 

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Robert James

Three things that keep OCD going

It’s an obvious fact that OCD can be incredibly annoying and hard to deal with at times, but it’s often harder to accept that we are self sabotaging and doing it to ourselves. The real truth of the matter is though that we are and so much of the time it’s going on unconsciously.  Conscious Vs Unconscious Even when it is conscious it can be

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