
Robert James

It Can Feel Like OCD Is Always There In The Background

The Voice in the background OCD is always there in the background. Imagine if it was an old wireless radio, you could kick it, stamp on it, or throw it into the neighbors garden, all of which would work to a certain degree, but with OCD, this kind of approach just makes matters worse. Sometimes you can feel like you have it beaten, or at

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Robert James

An Action Plan for OCD

You can get over OCD, but you need a good plan. When you have OCD it´s important to have a plan, so that when the obsessions and the thoughts are coming or strong, you know how to relate to them so that you don´t end up getting hooked. The Thoughts are not the problem With OCD, we often think that the major problem is the

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Anxiety & The Outdoors
Robert James

How facing my fears in the outdoors helped me overcome anxiety

My struggle with OCD and anxiety started at college when I was 17. Life back then was something to be tolerated. I was low on confidence, depressed and anxious. But fortunately for me I found a way through and in my late twenties I started to find out about anxiety and what I could do beat it. Well it turned out paradoxically that trying to

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Acceptance Commitment Therapy
Robert James

Overcome anxiety with Acceptance Commitment Therapy

Are you looking for a well-researched and proven type of therapy that can help you move past anxiety? Then perhaps Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, or ACT for short, is for you. In this article we explore what ACT is, the benefits of its approach and how I used it to beat anxiety. We also learn about how you too can use it to effectively manage

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My OCD & Anxiety Story
Robert James

A better relationship with anxiety – How I learnt to push past my fears

A way past anxiety I am creating this blog to share my story of how i learnt to have a better relationship with anxiety. I found my way out of the rabbit hole of OCD and anxiety and now enjoy an incredibly happy and healthy lifestyle in Barcelona, Spain. If you had told me ten years ago, that i´d be more or less anxiety free

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My OCD & Anxiety Story
Robert James

Are alcohol and drugs the fuel for anxiety disorders?

The University for Children At 16 I took the fateful decision of continuing my ´education´ at a college that specialized in providing vocational training for 16-18 year old’s. It was a boarding college and was effectively like going to University, but at the age of 16. I was sharing an accommodation block with 20 other kids of the same age and we were all out

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