
The OCD & Anxiety Free Mini-Course by Robert James Coaching

  • Duration 29m
  • Total Enrolled 67
  • Last Update November 3, 2020


Course Outline:

This is an incredibly helpful free mini course for OCD and anxiety. I suffered with OCD for many years until i came across Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT). I managed to find my way out of the trap and today, OCD barely bothers me at all. This course is all about teaching you how I did it and how you can do it too. Th course is packed full of skills and tchniques that ypu can start apllying right away to manage your OCD and anxiety more effectively. This is the free version of the course, but on my website: www.robertjamescoaching.com, you can find the premium version which goes into far greater detail, with many in depth videos, PDF´s and helpful tips, all based on the principles of ACT and my personal experiences of overcoming OCD & anxiety and helping my clients to do the same.


Robert James Pizey (of Robert James Coaching) is not a medical professional and is also not providing therapy or medical treatment. Robert James Pizey recommends that anyone experiencing anxiety & OCD to seek professional medical help straight away to get a medical opinion and rule out other conditions or illnesses. The comments and opinions in these videos and on my website are simply that and are not to be taken as professional medical opinions. Robert James Pizey provides coaching, education, accountability and peer support around Anxiety through his own personal experiences.

Student Feedback


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nice tutorial



Robert James Pizey (of Robert James Coaching) is not a medical professional and is also not providing therapy or medical treatment. Robert James Pizey recommends that anyone experiencing anxiety seek professional medical help straight away to get a medical opinion and rule out other conditions or illnesses. The comments and opinions as written on this site are simply that and are not to be taken as professional medical opinions. Robert James Pizey provides coaching, education, accountability and peer support around Anxiety through his own personal experiences.